Sunday, April 15, 2012

Destination Numero Diez: Italy

I've always wanted to travel Europe.  As my roommate gets ready to leave for her study abroad trip to Venice, Italy soon I find myself wishing I was going with her and dreaming about the day when I can visit Venice and paddle the city in a gondola.  I would love to try some italian-style pastries and indulge in creamy pasta with homemade noodles and seafood (even though I hate seafood, I feel like I would like it in Italy).

I think I'd spend an entire day at the isola san michele-- a gorgeous and spacious island filled with breathtaking sculptures and incredible ocean scenery.  It was a common place for travelers to land at one point in time and it is still home to one of the original Renaissance churches.  One of the most beautiful things about a city is the way life is captured through it's architecture and sculpture...

1 comment:

  1. I would love to see your travel bucket list sometime!! Have you posted a blog about it?
