Thursday, March 15, 2012

Destination Numero Seis: The Unconventional Spring Break

So, it is that time of year again...the time of year when the weather turns nice, the windows come open, classes start to take a back seat and spring break looms over every college student's head.  While many of my friends are living it up in Panama City Beach or while my sisters travel to the Bahamas without me, I'll actually be at home in my tiny, little, rural town of Clifton Illinois.  While this may pale in comparison to some of my peer's travel destinations, I'm actually really excited about being home.  No matter how much you travel around the world, no place will ever make you feel quite like the familiarity of your home and community and the people inside of both.

Even though I am unable to go on a typical college spring break trip, I'm okay with it.  I'm saving up for my adventure across the country this summer, and in addition, I'm selling nearly all of my possessions so I can take this trip.  But, trading in your old prom dresses for a new bike  helmet and cycling shoes is way cooler anyway, right?

I think so.

Can't wait to get back to these uncrowded roads lined with the open-flat familiar country soil that I'm so used to.

Quote of the day:

“People travel to faraway places to watch, in fascination, the kind of people they ignore at home.” – Dagobert D. Runes

While I'm at it, I'd like to take time to reflect on my Spring Break experience of last year.  My travel plans were inspired by the fact that as a 19 year-old college student, I still had never seen the ocean.  So, I researched some different volunteer organizations on campus, and applied to go on an Alternative Spring Break Trip to Arcata California where I would be able to experience the ocean for the first time. Not to mention, I would make my way to California and the West Coast for the very first time, take a road trip with people other than family members, see San Fransisco and the Golden Gate Bridge, and tour Redwood Forests.  All of which were things I was able to cross off my travel bucket list.  The trip was centered around dune restoration, which required working on the sand literally alongside the Pacific Ocean every day for a week.  I will never forget that trip or the amazing friends I made on it.  I went into it unsure of what I was doing, and unfamiliar with anyone, but it's these experiences that push me to want to explore more.  

Seeing the ocean for the first time!
Working on Restoration--not a bad work environment, eh?

Can't think of anyone I'd rather travel with than these randoms

Golden Gate Bridge!

1 comment:

  1. So glad I found your blog, and thank you for stopping by and following mine! :) I am now following you via GFC as well. Have a lovely day! xoxo, morgan
